For My Father
(from the Blackburn Track)
The Plateau
The Locality
© L. H. Kyle, July 2001
ISBN 0-473-07746-9
Published for MAPPS (the Millerton and Plateaux Protection Society) by Leicester Kyle.
Further copies of this publication may be obtained from MAPPS, P.O.Box 367 Westport.
Commentary & References:
Letter to Jack Ross (17/7/01):
Dear Jack,
Here is the protest booklet in its semi-public form. Eventually I decided against a wider form of protest, which would have been too disturbing and time-consuming. It's been tailored to do a specific job, to take a particular message to those with authority over extractive industry, and copies have been sent to them. Parliament has been first impregnated. Otherwise the booklet has a limited distribution confined to the printed 100 copies. I would be grateful of your support of the cause, insofar as you have opportunity to give it.
I hope all goes well with you in health, work, and with the muse. In spite of every obstacle I devise, life continues to pre-occupy me. Botany, also, and poetry, which flows precipitately from my raven [?] mind. My health is so good I sometimes marvel at it. Communication with the rest of the world is rather faint, but must remain so for another eighteen months [until his full pension became available - JR.].
Kind regards,
P.S. The confusion of singular and plural under 'Locality' is deliberate, but still a bad idea.
Leicester Kyle, Residential: Calliope Rd, Millerton, Ph. (03) 782 8608.
Postal: C/O Postal Agency, Ngakawau, Buller, New Zealand.
Editorial Note
The copytext for both facsimile and transcription is my own copy of Leicester's original photocopied text.
- Jack Ross,
Mairangi Bay, March 2012.
© Leicester Kyle Literary Estate, 2012
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