8 GOs = 8 Great O’s (2003)
Anogramma = Anogramma (2005)
Anzac 1 = Five Anzac Liturgies (2000)
Anzac 2 = Five Anzac Liturgies. 2nd ed. (2003)
Breaker = Breaker: A Progress of the Sea (2005)
Buller = The Great Buller Coal Plateaux (2001)
Christmas = A Christmas Book (2000)
CSP 1 = Collected Shorter Poems: 1 (1983-1995)
CSP 2 = Collected Shorter Poems: 2 (1995-1996)
CSP 3 = Collected Shorter Poems: 3 (1996-1997)
CSP 4 = Collected Shorter Poems: 4 (1997-1998)
CSP 5 = Collected Shorter Poems: 5 (1998-1999)
CSP 6 = Collected Shorter Poems: 6 (1999-2004)
CSP 7 = Collected Shorter Poems: 7 (2004-2006)
Dun Huang = Dun Huang Aesthetic Dance (2002)
Flowers = I Got Me Flowers (c.1975)
Galapagos = The Galapagos Tracts (c.1999-2006)
God = God Poems (c.2005)
Heteropholis = Heteropholis (1998)
Kerosene = Things to Do with Kerosene (2002)
King = King of Bliss (2002)
Koroneho 1 = Koroneho. In A Brief Description of the Whole World (1997-1998)
Koroneho 2 = Koroneho. Taylor Ts. (c.1996)
Koroneho 3 = Koroneho. 1st book publication (2011)
Living = Living at a Bad Address (2004)
Machinery = A Machinery for Pain (1999)
Message = Message from a Lightboard (1996)
Miller Creek = Miller Creek (2004)
Millerton = Five Millerton Sequences (2012)
Options = Options (1996-97)
Panic = Panic Poems (2003)
Red Dog = Red Dog / Brown (2005)
State = State Houses (1997)
Safe 1 = A Safe House for a Man (2000)
Safe 2 = A Safe House for a Man. 2nd ed. (2000)
Uncollected = Uncollected Poems
Voyge = A Voyge to New Zealand (1997)
Wedding = A Wedding in Tintown (2002)
- Three Greenhoods and a Nei-Nei [2/12/99]
- Aubergine [2/12/99]
- The Hard Man [2/12/99]
- Gloss (after St. Thomas Aquinas) [17/2/00]
- Picnic in the Mangatini (2 pp.) (Millerton) [21/3/00]
- Full House [4/4/00]
- At The Falls [4/4/00]
- Outage [4/4/00]
- Out On The Moor [4/4/00]
- The City Lies Foursquare [n.d]
- A Job For A Dead Owl [10/5/00]
- Mr. Gonzales [10/5/00]
- Battle of the Bands [10/5/00]
- A Litany For Diversity [30/5/00]
- A Litany For the Species [30/5/00]
- Looking West in Winter (5 pp.) (Christmas) [31/5/00]
- The Social Club Bar (4 pp.) (Christmas) [n.d]
- Lyn’s Zinnias [14/8/00]
- Tequila To The Setting Sun (For Tony and Marg) [14/8/00]
- Consummation (Christmas) [14/8/00]
- The Great Buller Coal Plateaux [10/10/00]
- Omnia Propter Femina (‘a witty tribute to Doris Day’) [10/10/00]
- say rain ... (Christmas) [10/10/00]
- My Thaïs [8/11/00]
- A Consequence of Rain [8/11/00]
- Feral Arts [8/11/00]
- Cars Cash and Convertibles [8/11/00]
- Taedium Vitae [11/11/00]
- I am two weathers … [11/11/00]
- At This Season [11/11/00]
- The Line is Cast (to a fallen power line) [11/11/00]
- The Plateau [11/11/00]
- Foreword [11/11/00]
- Signs and Wonders [11/11/00]
- A Seasonable Sun [30/10/01]
- Downpour [30/10/01]
- Feeding the Dog [30/10/01]
- The Lesser Leptopteris [30/10/01]
- Some New Slugs (Galapagos) [n.d.]
- Wild Flower [30/10/01]
- It began … [n.d.]
- Moss on the Moor [n.d.]
- For My Father (from the Blackburn Track) ... (Buller) [n.d.]
- Measure for Thirst (on two bar notices) [n.d.]
- They’ve given me … [n.d.]
- Trail-Blazer [n.d.]
- Thesis [n.d.]
- Sunday Tea [n.d.]
- May 7th Of This Year (Galapagos) [n.d.]
- O glorious One of the undermined … (Buller) [n.d.]
- A Respectable Age [n.d.]
- Small Print [n.d.]
- Rain [ii] (13 pp.) (Millerton) [11/1/02]
- Rain
- Some dawns whisper in …
- Ice makes a ring on the roof …
- There may be silence …
- At the foot of my bed …
- From the first tone of a voice …
- I twist in my bed at insect sounds …
- Suddenly and all at once …
- I don’t know why I’ve woken then …
- Some rain’s from the south …
- Fog
- Wind …
- A Bone at the Bushline [n.d.]
- If anyone took this tree away … [n.d.]
- You said … [n.d.]
- Before the Throne [n.d.]
- Summer, Sumner, 1946 [n.d.]
- For Advice [n.d.]
- For Don Whelan on his 60th birthday [n.d.]
- Mr Muir and Mr Emerson (3 pp.) [n.d.]
- Cinderella [31/5/02]
- Beware of the dead … [31/5/02]
- A Work Of Love In Remembering One Dead [31/5/02]
- Cicadas [31/5/02]
- The Impresario’s Muse [31/5/02]
- Metrosideros fulgens [31/5/02]
- Poa cita (for Carol) [ii] [31/5/02]
- A Metaphysic [8/7/02]
- Drosera binata (the fork-leaved sundew) [20/12/02]
- Endstop [20/12/02]
- Sunday Morning In December [20/12/02]
- Cinderella’s Tree [20/12/02]
- Ask of a Mortgage [20/12/02]
- Posterity [20/12/02]
- Quantulumcunque [20/12/02]
- The Bar of Urban Myth [20/12/02]
- The Last Life-Crisis [20/12/02]
- The Pot-Luck Launch (B.Y.O.) [27/3/03]
- Holy Week [27/3/03]
- On Birchfield Fen (for Rachel & Philippe) (2 pp.) [7/4/03]
- The Pit-Ponies' Picnic (2 pp.) [1/7/03]
- Spawning Galaxis [1/7/03]
- Swing-Bridge [1/7/03]
- Ways of the World [1/7/03]
- On the Fifth Anniversary of Miriel’s Death [1/7/03]
- Victim [2/7/03]
- In The Eventuality [2/7/03]
- Night Shelter [28/8/03]
- Mt. Hutt [3/9/03]
- Three Rings at the Circus (The Marx Bros) [3/9/03]
- Love’s Regime [3/9/03]
- Letters from Home (2 pp.) (Living) [12/9/03]
- (Proust Says) [12/9/03]
- I Like It When The Sun Doesn’t Shine (Jacket2 NZ Poetry Feature) [12/9/03]
- Celmisia Monroi (for David Monro) [23/10/03]
- Happy Valley: A Lament for a landscape about to be mined (3 pp.) (Jacket2 NZ Poetry Feature) [31/10/03]
- Calochilus palusodos on Millerton Moor [31/12/03]
- The Best Of It [31/12/03]
- Kissing the Beast Upon Both Ears [16/1/04]
- All Weather Changing Loves [16/1/04]
- Blow Dark and Burn Again [16/1/04]
- To Paradise Which is a Port [16/1/04]
- Cocktails and Signs of ‘Ads’ [16/1/04]
- In High Fog [20/1/04]
- All Sleeps Hollow [20/1/04]
Editorial Note
The copytext for the facsimiles comes from Filebox II (1998-2006) of Leicester's Collected Poems, presently in my possession. The majority of the transcriptions have been made from Microsoft Word files preserved on Leicester's computer.
- Jack Ross,
Mairangi Bay, March 2012.
© Leicester Kyle Literary Estate, 2012
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