
Book Twenty-Seven

In Millerton (c.2000)

Collected Shorter Poems 6

(December 1999 - January 2004)


8 GOs = 8 Great O’s (2003)
Anogramma = Anogramma (2005)
Anzac 1 = Five Anzac Liturgies (2000)
Anzac 2 = Five Anzac Liturgies. 2nd ed. (2003)
Breaker = Breaker: A Progress of the Sea (2005)
Buller = The Great Buller Coal Plateaux (2001)
Christmas = A Christmas Book (2000)
CSP 1 = Collected Shorter Poems: 1 (1983-1995)
CSP 2 = Collected Shorter Poems: 2 (1995-1996)
CSP 3 = Collected Shorter Poems: 3 (1996-1997)
CSP 4 = Collected Shorter Poems: 4 (1997-1998)
CSP 5 = Collected Shorter Poems: 5 (1998-1999)
CSP 6 = Collected Shorter Poems: 6 (1999-2004)
CSP 7 = Collected Shorter Poems: 7 (2004-2006)
Dun Huang = Dun Huang Aesthetic Dance (2002)
Flowers = I Got Me Flowers (c.1975)
Galapagos = The Galapagos Tracts (c.1999-2006)
God = God Poems (c.2005)
Heteropholis = Heteropholis (1998)
Kerosene = Things to Do with Kerosene (2002)
King = King of Bliss (2002)
Koroneho 1 = Koroneho. In A Brief Description of the Whole World (1997-1998)
Koroneho 2 = Koroneho. Taylor Ts. (c.1996)
Koroneho 3 = Koroneho. 1st book publication (2011)
Living = Living at a Bad Address (2004)
Machinery = A Machinery for Pain (1999)
Message = Message from a Lightboard (1996)
Miller Creek = Miller Creek (2004)
Millerton = Five Millerton Sequences (2012)
Options = Options (1996-97)
Panic = Panic Poems (2003)
Red Dog = Red Dog / Brown (2005)
State = State Houses (1997)
Safe 1 = A Safe House for a Man (2000)
Safe 2 = A Safe House for a Man. 2nd ed. (2000)
Uncollected = Uncollected Poems
Voyge = A Voyge to New Zealand (1997)
Wedding = A Wedding in Tintown (2002)


  1. Three Greenhoods and a Nei-Nei [2/12/99]
  2. Aubergine [2/12/99]
  3. The Hard Man [2/12/99]
  4. Gloss (after St. Thomas Aquinas) [17/2/00]
  5. Picnic in the Mangatini (2 pp.) (Millerton) [21/3/00]
    1. We could only find glimpses
    2. Only the more curious birds
    3. Thanks for coming
  6. Full House [4/4/00]
  7. At The Falls [4/4/00]
  8. Outage [4/4/00]
  9. Out On The Moor [4/4/00]
  10. The City Lies Foursquare [n.d]
  11. A Job For A Dead Owl [10/5/00]
  12. Mr. Gonzales [10/5/00]
  13. Battle of the Bands [10/5/00]
  14. A Litany For Diversity [30/5/00]
  15. A Litany For the Species [30/5/00]
  16. Looking West in Winter (5 pp.) (Christmas) [31/5/00]
    1. At this time of year
    2. Sometimes I say to visitors
    3. Again there were guests
    4. Last night
    5. Forget that the sea’s a mirror image
  17. The Social Club Bar (4 pp.) (Christmas) [n.d]
    1. It interferes with dinner
    2. There’s not many of us
    3. Or getting stoned
    4. Heineken Steinlager Haagen are the best
    5. It’s not been painted
    6. It’s all been done before
  18. Lyn’s Zinnias [14/8/00]
  19. Tequila To The Setting Sun (For Tony and Marg) [14/8/00]
  20. Consummation (Christmas) [14/8/00]
  21. The Great Buller Coal Plateaux [10/10/00]
  22. Omnia Propter Femina (‘a witty tribute to Doris Day’) [10/10/00]
  23. say rain ... (Christmas) [10/10/00]
  24. My Thaïs [8/11/00]
  25. A Consequence of Rain [8/11/00]
  26. Feral Arts [8/11/00]
  27. Cars Cash and Convertibles [8/11/00]
  28. Taedium Vitae [11/11/00]
  29. I am two weathers … [11/11/00]
  30. At This Season [11/11/00]
  31. The Line is Cast (to a fallen power line) [11/11/00]
  32. The Plateau [11/11/00]
  33. Foreword [11/11/00]
  34. Signs and Wonders [11/11/00]
  35. A Seasonable Sun [30/10/01]
  36. Downpour [30/10/01]
  37. Feeding the Dog [30/10/01]
  38. The Lesser Leptopteris [30/10/01]
  39. Some New Slugs (Galapagos) [n.d.]
  40. Wild Flower [30/10/01]
  41. It began … [n.d.]
  42. Moss on the Moor [n.d.]
  43. For My Father (from the Blackburn Track) ... (Buller) [n.d.]
  44. Measure for Thirst (on two bar notices) [n.d.]
  45. They’ve given me … [n.d.]
  46. Trail-Blazer [n.d.]
  47. Thesis [n.d.]
  48. Sunday Tea [n.d.]
  49. May 7th Of This Year (Galapagos) [n.d.]
  50. O glorious One of the undermined … (Buller) [n.d.]
  51. A Respectable Age [n.d.]
  52. Small Print [n.d.]
  53. Rain [ii] (13 pp.) (Millerton) [11/1/02]
    1. Rain
    2. Some dawns whisper in
    3. Ice makes a ring on the roof
    4. There may be silence
    5. At the foot of my bed
    6. From the first tone of a voice
    7. I twist in my bed at insect sounds
    8. Suddenly and all at once
    9. I don’t know why I’ve woken then
    10. Some rain’s from the south
    11. Fog
    12. Wind
  54. A Bone at the Bushline [n.d.]
  55. If anyone took this tree away … [n.d.]
  56. You said … [n.d.]
  57. Before the Throne [n.d.]
  58. Summer, Sumner, 1946 [n.d.]
  59. For Advice [n.d.]
  60. For Don Whelan on his 60th birthday [n.d.]
  61. Mr Muir and Mr Emerson (3 pp.) [n.d.]
  62. Cinderella [31/5/02]
  63. Beware of the dead … [31/5/02]
  64. A Work Of Love In Remembering One Dead [31/5/02]
  65. Cicadas [31/5/02]
  66. The Impresario’s Muse [31/5/02]
  67. Metrosideros fulgens [31/5/02]
  68. Poa cita (for Carol) [ii] [31/5/02]
  69. A Metaphysic [8/7/02]
  70. Drosera binata (the fork-leaved sundew) [20/12/02]
  71. Endstop [20/12/02]
  72. Sunday Morning In December [20/12/02]
  73. Cinderella’s Tree [20/12/02]
  74. Ask of a Mortgage [20/12/02]
  75. Posterity [20/12/02]
  76. Quantulumcunque [20/12/02]
  77. The Bar of Urban Myth [20/12/02]
  78. The Last Life-Crisis [20/12/02]
  79. The Pot-Luck Launch (B.Y.O.) [27/3/03]
  80. Holy Week [27/3/03]
  81. On Birchfield Fen (for Rachel & Philippe) (2 pp.) [7/4/03]
  82. The Pit-Ponies' Picnic (2 pp.) [1/7/03]
  83. Spawning Galaxis [1/7/03]
  84. Swing-Bridge [1/7/03]
  85. Ways of the World [1/7/03]
  86. On the Fifth Anniversary of Miriel’s Death [1/7/03]
  87. Victim [2/7/03]
  88. In The Eventuality [2/7/03]
  89. Night Shelter [28/8/03]
  90. Mt. Hutt [3/9/03]
  91. Three Rings at the Circus (The Marx Bros) [3/9/03]
  92. Love’s Regime [3/9/03]
  93. Letters from Home (2 pp.) (Living) [12/9/03]
  94. (Proust Says) [12/9/03]
  95. I Like It When The Sun Doesn’t Shine (Jacket2 NZ Poetry Feature) [12/9/03]
  96. Celmisia Monroi (for David Monro) [23/10/03]
  97. Happy Valley: A Lament for a landscape about to be mined (3 pp.) (Jacket2 NZ Poetry Feature) [31/10/03]
  98. Calochilus palusodos on Millerton Moor [31/12/03]
  99. The Best Of It [31/12/03]
  100. Kissing the Beast Upon Both Ears [16/1/04]
  101. All Weather Changing Loves [16/1/04]
  102. Blow Dark and Burn Again [16/1/04]
  103. To Paradise Which is a Port [16/1/04]
  104. Cocktails and Signs of ‘Ads’ [16/1/04]
  105. In High Fog [20/1/04]
  106. All Sleeps Hollow [20/1/04]

Found in Filebox 2

Editorial Note

The copytext for the facsimiles comes from Filebox II (1998-2006) of Leicester's Collected Poems, presently in my possession. The majority of the transcriptions have been made from Microsoft Word files preserved on Leicester's computer.

- Jack Ross,
Mairangi Bay, March 2012.

© Leicester Kyle Literary Estate, 2012

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