8 GOs = 8 Great O’s (2003)
Anogramma = Anogramma (2005)
Anzac 1 = Five Anzac Liturgies (2000)
Anzac 2 = Five Anzac Liturgies. 2nd ed. (2003)
Breaker = Breaker: A Progress of the Sea (2005)
Buller = The Great Buller Coal Plateaux (2001)
Christmas = A Christmas Book (2000)
CSP 1 = Collected Shorter Poems: 1 (1983-1995)
CSP 2 = Collected Shorter Poems: 2 (1995-1996)
CSP 3 = Collected Shorter Poems: 3 (1996-1997)
CSP 4 = Collected Shorter Poems: 4 (1997-1998)
CSP 5 = Collected Shorter Poems: 5 (1998-1999)
CSP 6 = Collected Shorter Poems: 6 (1999-2004)
CSP 7 = Collected Shorter Poems: 7 (2004-2006)
Dun Huang = Dun Huang Aesthetic Dance (2002)
Flowers = I Got Me Flowers (c.1975)
Galapagos = The Galapagos Tracts (c.1999-2006)
God = God Poems (c.2005)
Heteropholis = Heteropholis (1998)
Kerosene = Things to Do with Kerosene (2002)
King = King of Bliss (2002)
Koroneho 1 = Koroneho. In A Brief Description of the Whole World (1997-1998)
Koroneho 2 = Koroneho. Taylor Ts. (c.1996)
Koroneho 3 = Koroneho. 1st book publication (2011)
Letters = Letters to a Psychiatrist (2017)
Living = Living at a Bad Address (2004)
Machinery = A Machinery for Pain (1999)
Message = Message from a Lightboard (1996)
Miller Creek = Miller Creek (2004)
Millerton = The Millerton Sequences (2014)
Options = Options (1996-97)
Panic = Panic Poems (2003)
Red Dog = Red Dog / Brown (2005)
State = State Houses (1997)
Safe 1 = A Safe House for a Man (2000)
Safe 2 = A Safe House for a Man. 2nd ed. (2000)
Uncollected = Uncollected Poems
Voyge = A Voyge to New Zealand (1997)
Wedding = A Wedding in Tintown (2002)
- Koroneho: Joyful News out of the New Found World (1996-2001). In A Brief Description of the Whole World 6 (July 1997): 10-19 / 7 (September 1997): 35-40 / 8 (December 1997): 62-67 / 9 (April 1998): 49-54.
- Koroneho. Taylor Ts. (c.1996).
- Koroneho. 1st book publication. ISBN 978-0-9876604-0-4. Auckland: The Leicester Kyle Literary Estate / Wellington: The Colenso Society, November 2011.
- Options. Drawings by Jeffrey Harris. ISBN 0-473-04111-1. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, November 1996 / July 1997.
- State Houses. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, June 1997.
- A Voyge to New Zealand: the Log of Joseph Sowry, Translated and Made Better. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, 1997.
- Heteropholis. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, 1998.
- A Machinery for Pain. ISBN 0-473-05734-4. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, January 1999.
- A Safe House for a Man. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, 2000.
- A Safe House for a Man. 2nd ed. ISBN 0-9582121-5-5. Auckland: Polygraphia Press, July 2000.
- Five Anzac Liturgies. Millerton, Buller, 2000.
- Five Anzac Liturgies. 2nd ed. Drawings by Philip Trusttum. ISBN 1-877332-08-9. Auckland: Polygraphia Press, 2003.
- A Christmas Book. Millerton, Buller, December 2000.
- The Great Buller Coal Plateaux: A Sequence of Poems. ISBN 0-473-07746-9. P.O. Box 367, Westport: MAPPS [The Millerton and Plateaux Protection Society], July 2001.
- King of Bliss. Millerton, Buller, May 2002.
- A Wedding in Tintown. Millerton, Buller, July 2002.
- Things to Do with Kerosene. ISBN 0-473-08963-7. Westport: Heteropholis Press, October 2002.
- Dun Huang Aesthetic Dance. Millerton, Buller, November 2002.
- 8 Great O’s. Millerton, Buller, 2003.
- Panic Poems. ISBN 0-476-00084-X. Westport: Heteropholis Press, December 2003.
- Living at a Bad Address. Millerton, December 2004.
- Miller Creek. Sketches by Joel Bolton. Westport: Heteropholis Press, 2004.
- Anogramma. ISBN 0-476-01604-5. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, August 2005.
- Breaker: A Progress of the Sea. Illustrations by John Crawford. ISBN 0-473-10237-4. Westport: Heteropholis Press, September 2005.
- Red Dog / Brown. Cover Illustrations by Jim Conolly & Jocelyn Maughan. Millerton, Buller, Christmas 2005.
- The Galapagos Tracts (Unpublished: c.1999-2006).
- God Poems (Unpublished: c. 2005).
- Message from a Lightboard (Unpublished: 1996).
- The Orchids of New Zealand. 1956-1957. Compiled by Ian St George. ISSN 0114-5568. Historical Series, No. 19. Wellington: New Zealand Native Orchid Group, 2012.
- "The Orchids of New Zealand: 1: Epiphytic Species." New Zealand Gardener (August 1, 1956): 851, 853 & 855.
- "The Orchids of New Zealand: 2: Terrestrial Species (Part One)." New Zealand Gardener (September 1, 1956): 12-14.
- "The Orchids of New Zealand [3]: Rain Forest Terrestrial Species." New Zealand Gardener (October 1, 1956): 115, 117 & 119.
- "The Orchids of New Zealand [4]: Species from Drier Bush and Scrub." New Zealand Gardener (November 1, 1956): 182-83 & 185.
- "The Orchids of New Zealand [5]: The Greenhoods, the Largest Genus." New Zealand Gardener (December 1, 1956): 259, 261 & 263.
- "The Orchids of New Zealand [6]: Species from Tussock Lands." New Zealand Gardener (January 1, 1957): 316-18.
- "The Orchids of New Zealand [7]: Gems from the Alpine Meadows." New Zealand Gardener (February 1, 1957): 387,389-90.
- The Millerton Sequences. Edited with an Introduction by Jack Ross. Poem by David Howard. ISBN 978-0-473-18880-1. Pokeno, Auckland: Atuanui Press, February 2014.
Poems in Periodicals:
- "Walking to Taylor's." Poetry NZ 12 (1996): 38-40.
- "A visit to my Psychiatrist" & "Ancient Worship." Poetry NZ 14 (1997): 52-53.
- "Letter to Lorine," "Red Light" & "Twice Shy." Sport 19: Lightworks (Spring 1997): 46-48.
- "The Lady Meets the New Land." Poetry NZ 17 (1998): 59.
- "Comparative Atmospheric Pressure" & "On Forest Culture." brief 10 & 11 (1998): 43-46.
- "Marlowe overwritten." brief 13 (1999): 36-39.
- "O Fortuna." Poetry NZ 19 (1999): 47.
- "On The Principle Of New Zealand Weather." brief 14 (1999): 57-62.
- "Errata." brief 15 (2000): 86.
- "Mr. Buller To the Rev. Mr. Taylor, Sir:" brief 16 (2000): 84.
- "from A Voyge to New Zealand." brief 18 (2000): 12-21
- "On The Great Buller Coal Plateau." brief 19 (2001): 38-40.
- "Mr Muir and Mr Emerson." brief 24 (2002): 75-77.
- "from Dancing in the Cave." brief 25 (2002): 58, 60, 62.
- "Sunday Morning in December" & "Ask of a Mortgage." Poetry NZ 26 (2003): 54-55.
- "On Birchfield Fen." brief 27 (2003): 55-56.
- "Spawning Galaxis." brief 29 (2004): 57.
- "Chrysalis." Poetry NZ 28 (2004): 63.
- "People Like Us" & "'As the eyes are moist ...'." Poetry NZ 29 (2004): 54-55.
- "Death of a Landscape." brief 31 (2004): 83-92.
- "A Person if Not the Sun" [645], "Sun's Gold Greeting" [654] & "Consider: The Battle" [657]. Southern Ocean Review 33 (12 October, 2004).
- "Rules of engagement." Poetry NZ 32 (2006): 49.
- "Porphyry Reef" & "Weak before you." Poetry NZ 33 (2006): 52-53.
- "Three Poems." brief 34 (2007): 27-29.
- "The Life" & "Bridge to the Sea." brief 44-45 (2012): 19 & 165.
- "Diary of a Country Cop." brief 46 (2012): 78-83.
Shorter Poems:
- Collected Shorter Poems
- Uncollected Poems
Prose Fiction:
- The Abbot and the Rock [32 pp.] (c.1970s)
- I Got Me Flowers: Letters to a Psychiatrist [54 pp.] (c. 1975)
- Letters to a Psychiatrist. 2nd ed. ISBN 978-0-473-41327-9. Paper Table Novellas, 1. Auckland: Paper Table, 2017. iv + 87 pp.
- Deosa Bay: A Pastoral [47 pp.] (c.1970s)
- The Visitation; An Account of the Last Diocesan Visitation of John Mowbray, Bishop of Calcutta; Largely Compiled from His Journal and His Letters [68 pp.] (c.1970s)
Miscellaneous Prose:
- Christmas letter (1996)
- Red, by Richard Taylor (1997)
- Sleeper, by John Dickson (1998)
- Spin: Short Reviews (1998)
- Spin: Some Short Reviews (1998)
- Christmas letter (1998)
- A Brief Description of the Whole World (1999)
- Christmas letter (1999)
- Curriculum Vitae (2000)
- "Sign-off: Aesthetics." brief 20 - aesthetics (2001): 66-67.
- "Peninsula Days: A Memoir of Joanna Paul." brief 32 (2005): 61-64.
- Respect the Plants ... (2003)
- Millerton Park (2003)
- Postscript (2004)
- The Millerton Reserve (2004)
- MAPPS AGM: President's report (2004)
- Millerton (2004)
- Millerton Heritage Park (2004)
- The Information Centre (2004)
- Fauna of the Park (2004)
- Flora (2004)
- Historical Sites (2004)
- A Public for Poetry (c.2004)
- The Old Stockton Track: Species List (2004)
- Comings and Goings (2005)
- Millerton Town Plan (2005)
- Millerton Park Signing (2005)
- Orchids in a Ghost Town (2005)
- Millerton Tracks (2005)
- The Old Pack Track (2005)
- The Waterfall Track (2005)
- The Botany of the North Buller Moors (2006)
- "A Letter from Buller." brief 33 (2006): 44-45.
- When cousin Jill rang me ... (2006)
- Celmisia Morganii (n.d.)
- Orchids of The Buller Coal Plateau (n.d.)
- Spin 29 (Summer 1997), ed. Leicester Kyle (Auckland).
- Spin 32 (November 1998), ed. Leicester Kyle (Auckland).
- Spin 35 (November 1999), ed. Leicester Kyle (Auckland).
- Spin 38 (November 2000), ed. Leicester Kyle (Auckland).
Secondary Literature -
Articles, Poems, Reviews, Tributes:
- Ross, Jack. "In the Ngakawau Gorge." Spin 32 (1998): 37. [Reprinted in The Imaginary Museum (26/6/06)].
- Ross, Jack. "Leicester H. Kyle: Prophet without Honour." Pander 6/7 (1999): 21 & 23. [Reprinted in "For Leicester Kyle (1)", The Imaginary Museum (26/6/06)].
- Ross, Jack. "Review: A Machinery for Pain, by Leicester Kyle, Heteropholis Press, 1999." Spin 33 (1999) 63.
- Ross, Jack. "A Clearer View of the Hinterland: Leicester at Millerton." Spin 36 (2000): 51. [reprinted in The Imaginary Museum (26/6/06)].
- Ross, Jack. "Review: A Safe House for a Man, by Leicester Kyle, January 2000." Spin 36 (2000) 62.
- Locke, Terry. "Review: A Safe House For A Man by Leicester Kyle. Auckland: Polygraphia Ltd. (2000). RRP: $29.50." Hyperpoetics: Best Words in Best Order (c.2000).
- Ross, Jack. "Review: Leicester Kyle, Five Anzac Liturgies. c/o Postal Agency, Ngakawau, Buller, 2000." Spin 39 (2001): 66.
- Bagby, Stu. "Letters to Leicester, 1-4." No. 1 included in Stu Bagby, "First Dance." AUP New Poets 2 (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002): 26.
- Howard, David. "Overburden." Spin 42 (2002): 30-32.
- Ross, Jack. "Review: Leicester Kyle, The Great Buller Coal Plateaux: A Sequence of Poems. Published for MAPPS [The Millerton and Plateaux Protection Society] P.O. Box 367, Westport, 2001." Spin 42 (2002): 61.
- Ross, Jack. "Der Berggeist." In Chantal’s Book (Wellington: HeadworX, 2002): 95-96. [Reprinted in The Imaginary Museum (26/6/06)].
- Ross, Jack. "Review: Leicester Kyle, Five Anzac Liturgies. Drawings by Philip Trusttum. Auckland: Polygraphia Ltd., 2003. ISBN 1-877332-08-9. 53 pp. RRP $22.50 [+$2 p&p]." brief 27 (2003): 98.
- Ross, Jack. "For Leicester Kyle (2): A Preliminary Bibliography." The Imaginary Museum (26/6/06).
- Ross, Jack. "for Leicester Hugo Kyle, b.1937." The Imaginary Museum (27/6/06). [Reprinted in brief 34 - war (February 2007): 6-11].
- Ross, Jack. "Leicester Kyle 30.10.37-4.7.2006." The Imaginary Museum (4/7/06).
- Ross, Jack. "We Were Talking." [Reprinting Leicester Kyle, "We Were Talking." The Press (Christchurch: 5/7/06)]. The Imaginary Museum (5/7/06).
- Hamilton, Scott. "More than Pain: Leicester Kyle 1937-2006." Reading the Maps (5/7/06) [reprinted in brief 34 - war (February 2007): 12-18].
- Hamilton, Scott. "Pete Lusk remembers Leicester." Reading the Maps (9/7/06) [reprinted in brief 34 - war (February 2007): 25-26.].
- "Tavitacj". "Leicester Hugo Kyle. 1937 to 2006." Life Goes By (19/7/06).
- Taylor, Richard. "Leicester Kyle (Friend, poet, and scientist)." Eyelight (26/7/06). [Reprinted in brief 34 - war (February 2007): 19-24].
- Chad, Tony. "On Leicester Kyle." The Imaginary Museum (17/9/06).
- Hamilton, Scott. "Leaves from Leicester's forest." Reading the Maps (26/9/06).
- Hamilton, Scott. "brief goes to war." Reading the Maps (19/2/07).
- Hamilton, Scott. "Remembering Leicester." Reading the Maps (5/7/07).
- Norcliffe, James. Note to "Villon in Millerton." Villon in Millerton (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007): 1-5 & 69.
- Hamilton, Scott. "Leicester style." Reading the Maps (5/7/08).
- Taylor, Richard. "Brief Submission." Eyelight (17/4/10). [Reprinted in brief 40 (2010): 80-86.]
- Hamilton, Scott. "Remembering Leicester Kyle - and thinking about Roger Lambert." Reading the Maps (5/7/10).
- Holman, Jeffrey Paparoa. "At Millerton (once)." Paparoa's Blog (11/1/11).
© Leicester Kyle Literary Estate, 2012
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