These poems are created from the Handy Hints at the back of Aunt Daisy's Cookery Book. I began the collation while writing another work. There was need for a restorative change of subject, but I soon found they could not be treated lightly – the hints have too serious an intent. While some are bizarre, zany, even dangerous to the user, there is always more to them than one might think.
They come from the thinking of the 1940's and 50's, when we were moving out from a time of deprivation.
Look, says Aunt Daisy, here are ways to smarten up, to paint to gloss to make things new, and to prepare yourselves for better days.
There's a sort of piety here, a kindness, a scent of grace, as well as turps meths ammonia nail polish remover and kerosene. Here are the means for dignity.
Leicester Kyle,
Oct. 2002.
Things To Do With Kerosene
Published by Heteropholis Press, with the generous assistance of the Buller Community Arts Council.
Further copies may be obtained from P.O. Box 367, Westport, Buller, New Zealand.
© L. H. Kyle
ISBN 0-473-08963-7
Commentary & References:
A Christmas Book,
for Jack.
With skills, should the lights go out at
Christmas, or the bottom of the world fall
out in the New Year.
Thanks for your fine letter. I'll
shortly reply - and do come if you can.
© Leicester Kyle, October 2002
Editorial Note
The copytext for the facsimile is my own copy of Leicester's original photocopied text. The initial copytext for the transcription comes from Microsoft Word files found on the hard-drive of Leicester's computer after his death, emended by reference to the facsimile.
- Jack Ross,
Mairangi Bay, March 2012.
© Leicester Kyle Literary Estate, 2012
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